2 weeks and 1 day old today!

These past 2 weeks have all seemed like one long day! Being a mommy is definitely hard work, but it’s totally worth it – the love I have for Isabela is truly indescribable. Everything corny that everyone says about having a baby is true. I didn’t even get to see her immediately after the c-section because she was having some respiratory difficulties, but I heard her cry and when I did, I felt my heart jumping out of my chest. Her cry made me cry and I felt so desperately in love with her and so desperate to see her as well! More to come on that later. I am slowly feeling like I am emotionally ready to write out the birth story, so be on the look out for that in the days to come.


I wish I had more time or more of an inclination to give better updates, but the truth is that I am exhausted all the time! Especially with Chris being back to work this week and working his butt off so he doesn’t have to work that much while his mom and William come to visit at the end of this week.

We are excited to see Nancy and William, and to take lots and lots of pictures! I can’t believe they will be here tomorrow! yay!

Soooo, Isabela is really starting to gain weight due to all the breastfeeding we are doing. We can already see little fat rolls start to grow on her arms and thighs! Its soooo cute! She is pretty demanding, as well. When she is hungry, I know that I need to HURRY up and feed her, or she gets so angry that she starts punching me! Also, she lets us know right away if she hates something – like if she is being held uncomfortably, or if she has gas. By letting us know, I mean she screams like a baby dinosaur!! I don’t mean she screams in a crying way either…I mean she will just let out one big yell. Actually, lets go ahead and call it a roar! haha.
Its kind of cute.

Isabela is also a little cuddle bunny. She loves to cuddle and be held and mommy and daddy love to hold and cuddle with her! She has the biggest brown eyes, and gives us the cutest little smiles. Unfortunately, the smile is only a reflex at this age, so we can’t wait til she gives us real smiles!

Yeah, so for now, Isabela is still a tiny newborn, who mainly sleeps, eats, poops, and cries. We can’t wait to see part of her personality emerge, but for now, mommy and daddy are content to just hold her and stare at her. We can’t believe that she came from us and that we could make such a beautiful baby girl.

We love her so much! And so does Buster, too! Here are some pictures!
sleeping during bathtime!

my beautiful dream baby!

3 thoughts on “2 weeks and 1 day old today!

  1. please tell the little baby dino that auntie rae and stacy are on our way! so settle down. ill be singing lulibies sp? hah as soon as i get there to soothe her. thats what she needs. lol


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