Holy Week: Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday: The Last Supper. The foot-washing. The wounds of the heart are an underground cemetery of seemingly lifeless things. There lies our secret shames, internal struggles, deepest pains, open wounds, wells of pride and legions of anxieties. On this Maundy Thursday, I think of my wounds. On this Maundy Thursday, I think of myContinueContinue reading “Holy Week: Maundy Thursday”

Cruise Ships

Cruise Ships Once upon a time, I  went on a cruise.  It was pretty amazing. We picked our rooms before we purchased our tickets but the highlight wasn’t the room…it was the expanse of ocean all around us, the incredible food, and the multiple events, programs, and things to do. We built every single partContinueContinue reading “Cruise Ships”

Unshed Tears of a Military Child

“I can see them. As we read books together before bedtime, I see them. I see the side of her mouth trembling a little, just like her dad’s does, keeping it all in because in this world,  STRONG is what we teach. As we read, I go over the day in my mind: The 3 times she broke outContinueContinue reading “Unshed Tears of a Military Child”

Christmas: The Promise of Rest

Advent: I  was talking to a dear friend of mine. This friend, like me, LOVES the Christmas season.  Yet, this year, my friend is experiencing more gloom than joy, more weariness than hustle and bustle, and more frustration than Christmas cheer. All around, the world turns mad with hurriedness. A party here, a church eventContinueContinue reading “Christmas: The Promise of Rest”

“What would you do if no one ever heard you? Would you keep singing your song?  What if you sang BECAUSE the only person you want to hear your lilting voice is God’s searching ears?   That, my friend, is the best reason of all.”